Friday, May 26, 2006

want a drag of 0 and 1 ?

over the phone, a couple of weeks ago (when i sounded more optimistic than now) , my friend said that a group of dolphins name each other and call each other by those names, i suddenly said: wow! interesting!... but i wonder what combination of sequence of sounds and/or frequency/pitch/loudness they use to make different names...
then i dunno why i said:
let's imagine there is a planet with humans pretty much like us but they talk with 0's and 1's instead of the way we talk.
let's say they only have two sounds: 0 and 1.
then, how many different combinations can they make?
well, depends what the length of sequence of 1's and 0's are!
but then, how many different languages can emerge?
and how complicated can the sentence structures get?
and how stupid those sequences would sound excluding the intonation and/or stress/ tone!?

given the fact that anything in the realm of science is theoretically possible provided it follows the math/physics laws, would you like to be one of those humans?!
would their life also be made of sticky circles and full of unfair moments?!
good news:
May 31st is finally round the corner and...?!
smoking ban law getting enforced in Quebec restaurants, cafes, bars, bistros, clubs, ...

and i hope my neighbors know that the law also includes the residential building public areas; and the corridors and the lobby are the very public areas for god's sake, but when they keep smoking inside their teeny apt.s their freaking 2nd-hand smoke leaks out to the corridors and eventually into next-door apt.s !!

anyhow, if you are in Quebec, you can help enforce the law like this.
i just remembered this:
round Valentine's day, out with friends at 3brassseurs which was packed with people and stuffed with 2nd-hand cigarette and cigar smoke, i saw this young couple with a very cute kid of only 5-6 months old or even less sitting with friends.
alright, they don't care if they inhale some smoke, but how can they think they can decide FOR the poor little kid? it's not their property... honestly it was only an infant, and if it wasn't because of my friends, i would have snapped at them like no-one else ever! :-\

Friday, May 19, 2006

tune me in ...

no rhythm, no tune, no melody can make me dance and sing
except the one(s) i have made
out of a rather long-term thinking and observing !
i have a theory: everything rotates round something, or at least round itself;
and this makes life possible,
and makes the earth stay in its position,
and causes the galaxies to stay where they are or move the way they do!

think about it and simply narrow it down to human life, and see how many circulations and rotations you make per day and you have made in your life...
think if it's possible to find the straight, right way, without turning all the way round back to where you started!?
well, i say it's actually impractical!?
the circles might get very big or extremely humongous... but they are still circles, and not a straight line, otherwise you will fall off/be thrown out of the entire universe, the whole body of being!
well, not practical, but just maybe possible in theory?!
paradox (not me!) has had a few posts (1, 2, 3, 4) about the theory of Jesus' existence (inexistence?!) which are interesting to read and think of the possibility of any religious ideologies get shaped in the first place .

this and georgewesley's 2nd comment for my previous post are somehow related as to how divinity and the supernatural power (intermingled with any faith and ideology) can impact millions and millions of people with time...

well, not to mention how they can potentially and ineveitably change/twist/distort... avec le temp (... sorry i like "avec le temp" better than its english equivalent: with time :D)
montreal seems to have not but an almost whole-month of rain and chilly, gusty weather this may... i want summer and sunshine! :-\

Sunday, May 14, 2006

just like that...

maybe the hardest, the most painful, the most energy-consuming, hope-dashing and frustrating job is looking for a job.
i'm not thick-skinned and confident enough ...
disappointingly enough, networking and connection are the key points or solutions in this matter... and i feel i'm so dangled, so stranded... :(
back to our discussion:
there is no doubt that human being is curious about many things, and a thinker...
we have formed many idealogies, philosophical theories, and faiths, etc since the time we got civilized.
i personalyy believe that some of our philosophical idealogies and philosophizings basically boil down to a set of principles. then i dunno how they get related to holiness and sacred-ness and divinity...

apart from that, then the result whatsoever will poke its nose into all aspects of people's lives. well, it's usually a power-seeker, a person (a man, since we live in a man-dominating era now) who tries to attract a group of fans first. then with their helps and supports, he tries to set more and more principles and adds a lot of "do's and dont's" with time...
and finally he becomes a moral/spiritual leader, a prophet, an imam, a saint, a magus, a rabbi, a ... !

but what is a religion? (back to the very first question)
if it's a set of principles one believes in, why does it need a power, a spiritual power, a political support and/or power ?

(on the flipside though, when people get together becuz of any reason, they feel stronger and more confident...
those who make communities and gatherings of this and that religion or denominations, and/or attend these gatherings and community activities, feel less lonely, and more at peace gradually!
plus, this would be potentially an opportunity for them to find new friends, to get jobs, to meet their soulmates(!?) , ...)

this complicated creature has many demands (some weird and complex) and sometimes creates some problems out of things that are potentially for solving problems or easing the painful moments of living ... !

(this post didn't end up the way i wanted; i guess because i am so tired or in a depressed mood these days!)

Sunday, May 07, 2006

live it as is...

i won't share it
with you
because i'm selfish!
they're my moments, my life, my pain...!
when painting the walls white
wear white from head to toe.
(i'm living in the middle of a mess these days, i'm painting my apt. while listening to music! :D)

about a month ago i was talking to this Vietnamese classmate of mine, a very quiet and nice girl... about here and there. she suddenly took a book of sort of prayers or poems (of Buddha) out of her schoolbag, and said she has started going to temple since she has come here...
getting more curious about her faith, i asked her to explain more... she said things that left both of us almost surprised!
i never knew many of my beliefs about life, human and world, my believing-in-no-religion, my nonreligious life are so close to Buddhism!!? (although Buddhism is said to be more like a philosphy than a religion, eh?! but does it make any difference if it's like a real religion or a philosphy?! BTW, what is a real religion?!)

apart from those details of what Buddhists believe in, and how close i found them to what i personally believe, i'm wondering how faiths get shaped in the first place... and how they get spread, and find so many followers with time...!
not that i don't know how sometimes the power and political influences and motivations have helped a religion or a denomination get spread out and even change in some aspects of their ideologies, and even how some "prophets" have made wars and conquered lands to force people to convert into the conqueror's religion..., my question is deepr than that:
what makes human feel the need for faith in the first place?
you might say: well, human needs spirituality and connection to supernatural powers to feel relaxed and relieved...
but what is the reason behind so many changes into it, and why making it a social and collective ritual/gathering/idealogy (some so strange!!) rather than an individual one without inventing rituals ...?
why the emergence of so many denominations?
above all, howcome most of people on earth stay in surface about the religious beliefs and faiths... why don't they ask "why" and "why this religion", "why this way"... ?!
if all faiths are almost the same down in their roots, why so many wars over their surfaces?!
why is there always a fear that a religion or a denomination loses its followers, because of any reason?
why (for many of the religions and faiths) is it usually forbidden to convert into another religion?!
why most of religions (especially old ones) should be passed onto next generations just like genes and genomes that are received with birth from parents?!!
why making such a simple "need" so complicated and a source of wars and clashes?!
i personally feel that most of those "prophets" sought power behind inviting poeple to the religion they were "represent"ing or to "the spirituality and/or the right path and salvation"... who can believe that spirituality requires blood-shedding, massacre, wars, hatred, detention, and...?!
why does a religion need such a power at all ?!!?
(this post is already too long!!! i am pro short posts... becuz it gets boring... this discussion will continue... with more details probably!)

Friday, May 05, 2006


sometimes there are some people around you that make you feel sick. you don't know how it all started... but now, what you want is just to be rid of them.

aaarrrgghhh; i'm so mad and feel disgusted. how can a woman in her 30's be so shallow, so stupid, so wacky, so sassy, so tacky?! ewww!

nothing but the same old ugly story: use others like the means for achieving your goals... no matter what! manipulate and use people like your stepping stones. (don't forget, you have a couple goals, and you want them so bad!) behave like a real bi**h if this is a short-cut to your end goal,...and be proud of your "achievements", but talk like how much you try to hold on to your "dignity" and "pride" !!!!

how can i just be as rude as her and let her know how disgusting she sounds and looks to me?!
any idea, please?
i have never read anything written by Ramin Jahanbegloo; and actually i don't know him. but it's damn ridiculous and unacceptable to have him now arrested and detained in a prison in Tehran.
but why wasn't he more cautious?
was this his first visit to Iran after this new prez (Ahmadi-nejad) took over the office?
was he frequently visiting Iran in the past year or already living there?!!
his works
the latest update
i will write on faith, ideaology, religion, racism, ... my own observations and takes on these issues next time! :-\

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

first, secondly, ...

first: i did my very last exam last night (i graduated, YAY!). i was so stressed that after exam i just wanted to cry all my tears out and just puke; i couldn't sleep at night after the test.

secondly: check out this
see what you can do for the day of World Press Freedom (may 3rd).

thirdly : and if you like, go here, click on video on top menu, then you can listen to (and watch) two versions (radio edit, and unplugged) of a song.
familiar? so, you are not young!!! :D

fourthly: ...
i will write more... later!
... now i need some days for myself; for my heart; for my life; for me; stress-free :)
Listen to S & M [Explicit] By Metallica
S & M [Explicit]

Lauryn Hill
Listen to MTV Unplugged No. 2.0 By Lauryn Hill
MTV Unplugged No. 2.0
paradox (not me!) daily dose of imagery
shahin foto
My Photo
Location: Montreal, Q.C., Canada

I bookmark the day "16, Nov. 2006" just here; please don't ask why!