Sunday, May 14, 2006

just like that...

maybe the hardest, the most painful, the most energy-consuming, hope-dashing and frustrating job is looking for a job.
i'm not thick-skinned and confident enough ...
disappointingly enough, networking and connection are the key points or solutions in this matter... and i feel i'm so dangled, so stranded... :(
back to our discussion:
there is no doubt that human being is curious about many things, and a thinker...
we have formed many idealogies, philosophical theories, and faiths, etc since the time we got civilized.
i personalyy believe that some of our philosophical idealogies and philosophizings basically boil down to a set of principles. then i dunno how they get related to holiness and sacred-ness and divinity...

apart from that, then the result whatsoever will poke its nose into all aspects of people's lives. well, it's usually a power-seeker, a person (a man, since we live in a man-dominating era now) who tries to attract a group of fans first. then with their helps and supports, he tries to set more and more principles and adds a lot of "do's and dont's" with time...
and finally he becomes a moral/spiritual leader, a prophet, an imam, a saint, a magus, a rabbi, a ... !

but what is a religion? (back to the very first question)
if it's a set of principles one believes in, why does it need a power, a spiritual power, a political support and/or power ?

(on the flipside though, when people get together becuz of any reason, they feel stronger and more confident...
those who make communities and gatherings of this and that religion or denominations, and/or attend these gatherings and community activities, feel less lonely, and more at peace gradually!
plus, this would be potentially an opportunity for them to find new friends, to get jobs, to meet their soulmates(!?) , ...)

this complicated creature has many demands (some weird and complex) and sometimes creates some problems out of things that are potentially for solving problems or easing the painful moments of living ... !

(this post didn't end up the way i wanted; i guess because i am so tired or in a depressed mood these days!)


Blogger GWD said...

Again, I love your questions. They come, however, from a human-centered perspective; i.e. humans create religion because he/she needs religion. That's pretty self-centered, one could argue.

Another assumption that you seem to make is that humans are by nature power-seeking. I would argue that many humans are --precisely, those humans who have not internalized the civilizing influence of true religion. Are we animals, ravening wolves, for example, who are by nature self-centered and violent, or is our true nature one of cooperation. I think of this author who explains this point well:

11:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we strive to work so we do not have to.

umm..a propos your opening line lend you my cure when discouraged write t.t.t. on pink post-it and stick on mirror (things take time)

btw love your writing it is on my fav list thanks

4:55 PM  
Blogger Administrator said...

Once again a very good post. I also admire your writing style - direct from the heart but without being narcistic.

I think that you are getting close to the truth of things. We need to look inside ourselves at the basic demands we make of this world, and maybe we will find out that religion answers one of those demands.

You often see films in which aliens try to take over the planet. They are thwarted because, in some way or other, the 'human spirit' overcomes them. In these films we are depicted as having some unique qualities that save us.

But do we really? What makes us that special? I am not sure we are. Maybe we are fundamentally selfish beings. I think we probably are and that is what I was trying to say in my posts on Pessimism.

On the other hand there are some rules that seem to work. Positivity does resonate and so does negativity. We might be selfish individuals, but the world as a whole does not reward our selfish behaviour.

Instead we find that we are happier when we break out of ourselves and reach out to art, to truth, to nature, to others, to everything outside ourselves.

This is not the human spirit, on the contrary it is the world spirit. Maybe we are selfish but the world isnt?

I am planning to post on this soon.

Finally, I hope your depressed mood goes away as soon as possible.

4:50 AM  
Blogger GWD said...

Thank you for your comments on my site. Your "thinking and observing" makes for good reading for others.

The name I apply to a human-centered "religion" is, of course, humanism. I grew up in that religion. My father was a card-carrying member of the American Humanist Association. What I became aware of is that humanism does not have the ability to inspire as revealed religion does. All the values are right but it does not have the power to mobilize as revealed religion has the power to mobilize. Humanists talked about the oneness of mankind, for example, but didn't necessarily demonstrate it in its membership. Baha'is, on the other hand, reflect diversity like no other group on the face of the planet. Diverse in age, economic background, religious background, ethnicity, etc.

But are absolutely right. "We are all one."

You mention Buddhism as attractive option. Buddhism may be fashionable in some circles in the West, but go to where Buddhism is the dominant religion and you discover that Buddhism has the same kinds of problems all of the other world religions do. There is no one Buddhist Faith but dozens, hundreds of varieties.

What is "true" Buddhism? What is true religion? I think of Egyptian Baha'i's response on Zeinobia's site: "We should not "compare" religions and try to decide which one is "best". Religions are a continuous series of Revelations from God to us and they will never stop. Every religion is the most complete and the "last" during its time."

All religions are "true" and have the power to inspire and advance civilization until the next religion in succession comes.

You write: "i personally beleive we carry all negative behaviors and abilities as well as positive qualities that can potentially exist and can be seen in our lives throughout our history (since we got civilized) and within the capacity we have." Each religion in succession unleases the human potention you allude to, each has the power to assist the human being to overcome his lower nature (negative behaviors) and enhance his higher nature (positive ones).

I don't see life as absurd at all. There is a wonderful order to the world, an unfolding process quite evident to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Ebb and flow, egress and regress, disintegration and integration, a new world is being born.

Keep thinking and writing. Good luck on your job search. This isn't a time to be be sad; this is a time to be joyous.

11:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cheize jalebi neveshte bodi dar morede enke admhaye ke ba man bedonya omadand che toriyand va baz ham mer30
omidvaram az en moode kesalatet dar biyay khannoom
montaeram ye rozi bebinamet

9:51 AM  

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