Friday, January 20, 2006


now we have to get our ears attuned to a lot of "Steven Harper"s ... and also get used to hearing a whole lot of stammering, stuttering remarks....
good start Steve!!!
blasphemous q.s cont'd:
i have always had problem understanding what being "ever-purified" (massoum) means since my childhood; i can't get the concept yet... but let's say it exits the way they try to explain it, then why should we look up to imams and isalmic saints for this quality if they are simply born as "super humans" ?!
if they weren't struggling with their "self" not to do anything "wrong" and not to commit any "sin", what the heck respecting them?!
plus, Mohamad claimed he is the las prophet, did he also say that no other "ever-purified" person will ever be born, either?!
plus plus(!), did he believe that only his family members and sons and cousin and grandsons and great grandsons and great great great grandsons (count up to 14 people please!) are born "ever-purified", and no other prophet before him had such a great family?!!
he was the smartest of all "prophets" on earth, honestly!

another Q: have we ever had a woman prophet?!
BTW, i'm just wondering why now, after centuries, it's suddenly hight time to worship this second God?!

drill noise...and blasphemy :D

not that i am still down with flu and can't post something up here .
i got better, finally.
but i am knee-deep in school stuff and some other things, one of which is not but challenging myslef and proving myself that i can and should... (cross your fingers for me, but i'm not christian:D), and...horrible appointments with the dentist and the drill noise...ewww ...ouch !~#%*#@
these denti$t$ are damn brutal and fu**ing blatantly greedy!
$hould have $tudied denti$try, eh?!
a blasphemous question (practical shiites & sunnis beware!):
what if Jesus'd had the chance to live longer and had claimed he'd been told by God that HE is THE last prophet on earth?!
what would Mohamad do then?!
another one: why religion and religious orientation should be accompanied by prophet-hood?! why does it need a person to "claim" he is divinely inspired and knows the future and everything?!
my questions will continue; don't come back here for some time if you feel you get offended by them! :D:D
i'm serious!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

chocolate bar

i'm down with this damn flu... aaarrgghhh
and a pile of things to read laying on the tables!!
and programs to work on...
damn you school and flu virus, over-heated metro stations, freezing cold weather,..., chocolate bar and sore throat!
what a mess!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

big truth coming out of tiny mouth

she is 10 and lives in Tehran.

i: so, do you still want to be a teacher?
she: no, i dunno... i gotta think about it... i need to see what will happen later, to examine the situation and see how respected women are going to be in this society...
i : !!!!! but, aren't women respected enough now?
she: no! they're not! as far as i know, they are not; the situation is very bad in society for women and for many other things as well...
i: !!!!! but you always used to say you wished to be a teacher when you ...
she: yeah, but i was ignorant; i didnt know much!
i: !!!!!!
the kids are so ahead, but the image of the society looks so behind!!!
what an irony!
and still the leader, clerics, prez, ... insist on image-ruining acts, rancid stupid thoughts , and damn retro ideas !!

back in the 18th century

casanova is funny, but a bit vulgar.
anyhow, the way italy(venice) is depicted in the film at the time remineded me of iran:
the way women are treated (looked down on!)
abuse of power by the church
the terrible result of mixing up religion with civil laws
the corrupted system
altogether, i laughed a lot... but also thought how ridiculous it is that after more than 2 centruies, with the advent of technology and science... some nations are to be left in retro world of superstitions and narrow-mindedness, still !
... still?!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

don't look down on me

don't look down on me
don't look down on me,
originally uploaded by never happens.
i beg you... don't think i'm stupid,
i respect you and your beauty, your generosity,...
but sometimes...
i just lose my damn mind
and destroy everything
and then left in shit ... crying and helpless... when it's just too late!*
i'm sorry that in iran many sites including flickr is blocked... it's f**ng incomprehenisble when you find goddamn rulers who just assume they can think in place of 70 million other people; what the hell do they think?!
* i'm just addressing the nature, here. i felt i should explain it clearly, why?! dunno!
BTW, i just heard something from my friend in iran, but couldn't believe it, anyway, check out this, you will figure out what i heard!

Thursday, January 05, 2006


originally uploaded by Scott-5x5.
paradoxes seem simple and understandable (at least to us, humans), like this amazing photo by 5x5...
but, they're deeper and more confusing than what they look, eh?!

BTW, what is this?!

just a bit of confusion...

"this sentence is a lie."

you agree?!
doesn't matter...whether or not, it's a paradox.

old, eh?
it's ok, now check out this paradox cartoon ;

but i like the 1st and the 8th of these more (not paradoxes, though).

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


i'm freaking out these days...
but, i'm not a freak.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

2006, already !?

talking of the rest of my dream on the very first day of 2006?! weird, eh? ... well, yonowat? i don't like talking about it any more... i have these weird, sur-real dreams from time to time... ! who cares...

last night, me and a couple of friends went out for dinner, then we decided to have more fun for the turn of the year, but being students with tight budget, we just ended up sitting on the 2nd fl. of a very simple, not-really-decent, downtown cafe, drinking irish coffee and chatting and soaking in horrible cigarrtte smokes of people around, and also watching the crazy teenagers and young girls and boys in light outfits (suitable for clubs), half drunk on the streets, crawling out of one club or bar into another...
and it was damn bitter cold, round -20 C.
montreal doesn't celebrate it officially, just a lot of party,bar,club-goings are on, that's all! but in toronto, it's more interesting, just check out these (jan., 01, 2006)!

oh, btw, i was in the bathroom right at the time the year turned :D:D:D
Listen to S & M [Explicit] By Metallica
S & M [Explicit]

Lauryn Hill
Listen to MTV Unplugged No. 2.0 By Lauryn Hill
MTV Unplugged No. 2.0
paradox (not me!) daily dose of imagery
shahin foto
My Photo
Location: Montreal, Q.C., Canada

I bookmark the day "16, Nov. 2006" just here; please don't ask why!