good start Steve!!!
blasphemous q.s cont'd:
i have always had problem understanding what being "ever-purified" (massoum) means since my childhood; i can't get the concept yet... but let's say it exits the way they try to explain it, then why should we look up to imams and isalmic saints for this quality if they are simply born as "super humans" ?!
if they weren't struggling with their "self" not to do anything "wrong" and not to commit any "sin", what the heck respecting them?!
plus, Mohamad claimed he is the las prophet, did he also say that no other "ever-purified" person will ever be born, either?!
plus plus(!), did he believe that only his family members and sons and cousin and grandsons and great grandsons and great great great grandsons (count up to 14 people please!) are born "ever-purified", and no other prophet before him had such a great family?!!
he was the smartest of all "prophets" on earth, honestly!
another Q: have we ever had a woman prophet?!
BTW, i'm just wondering why now, after centuries, it's suddenly hight time to worship this second God?!