Monday, June 12, 2006

deep-running water

well, i still can't believe i'm going back home!... home?!... well... um... let's just not talk about this now!! the worst part will be wearing a headscarf, and a long tunic or something similar over pants, esp. in hot summer of tehran!
as for robbery, ... i'll be careful, thanks for the advice. i heard internet is still in 56k-speed; most of us are so much depended on internet for our daily life here... going back to human-to-human interactions can be interesting, and perhaps frustrating to some extent!

this insomnia is back to me again tonight... aarrghh... ! so i'd better blog...
looking at a tiny drop of water as if it's an ocean is wrong, it can't even be as big as an ocean for minuscule plankton, neither technically nor psychologically!
but its burden can break your back if you are already over-loaded.
but when do we know when we get near the overloading point!?
we usually don't!

the life of each of us is just one drop of an ocean as big as the entire cosmos; yet there is an ocean in each of us.
some dive deep into its dark, amazing spots.
some others, though, happy as larks, float on the surface and expose their body to the sunshine while whistling and humming a happy tune outloud!... totally defeaning!
what a wonderful world!

Friday, June 09, 2006 teeny square divisions

an entirety, when observed closely enough, is not but a collection of thousands or even millions of teeny minuscule squares/mosaic pieces...
they all get together, sitting in their right position, reflecting the right color, hue and tone, expressing a message, in order to build up an image, a landscape, an entirety...

what are the very little components of our life? of our being?
are they all in the rigth place? are they all reflecting what they are supposed and made to?
what will happen if one little piece is out of its place?! or turns pale/dim or...?
what if more pieces get messed up?
how much are we aware of what we are made of/made up for?
finally i decided to go back to iran for a visit for almost 2 months or so... how different will i find the people and everything down there ?!
well, we'll see!
i won't be able to update here regularly as usual though... but i hope i can take good photos and post them on flickr later.
bon voyage to me ^.^

Friday, June 02, 2006

proliferation towards countless-ness-aemania

i'm pretty sure you know but maybe you haven't noticed that:
all of us, speaking any language, use only a finite number of sounds but can potentially make infinite number of words.
now, we have a limited number of words and just a bunch of syntactic rules, right? we can make endless forms of sentences. yes endless!
the most interesting phenomenon is:
when kids learn their mother tongue, they actively and creatively constrcut structures they have never heard!
don't forget they are potentially able to make endless forms! plus, they never get a formal (academic-style) instrcution on grammar rules...
how does this happen?
this is the question; and finding its answer has been, for years and years, a good reason and attempt for theories of language acquisition to emerge!

you can find thousands of links to key points i mentioned above in internet, they're just a click away (i'm talking the langauge of marketers now :D)
these two are good and less techinal for novices, though: this and this.

however, my point is, which is actually a question for me:
how the concept of endless or infinite can work hand in hand with finite or limited?!
i remember when studying math, there was this concept of infinity that was beyond my head! and funny part was that my friend who had a good background in math and was helping me out kept telling me:
in infinity we have values as well. like some infinite vaues can be less or more infinite than another!!!

ok, these are theoretical approaches to math, but how is our brain structured in such a way that not only can comprehend but create an endless number of stuff out of a limited number of components?!
i'm pretty sure you can understand that it's not the matter of a simple combination or permutation of those components. it's the matter of endless-ness: endless composites or chunks of data from a finite number of constituents.

now take this:
there are also endless perspectives to any aspect of life; how many of them have we seen? and/or have we lived?
how many more can we think of or create?
how broad can we make the way we look at things?
and how can we do it?
i just know one thing: "questioning and not accepting anything as is".
i'd like to find more ways though... endless?!
excuse my coinage for countless-ness-aemania ^.^
Listen to S & M [Explicit] By Metallica
S & M [Explicit]

Lauryn Hill
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MTV Unplugged No. 2.0
paradox (not me!) daily dose of imagery
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Location: Montreal, Q.C., Canada

I bookmark the day "16, Nov. 2006" just here; please don't ask why!