Monday, December 25, 2006

off and on!

i was on the bus the other day standing in the aisle and noticed this written on the back of a seat:
"don't be afraid of death,
but rather the life unlived."
there was this guy sitting there with a friend as well, he also noticed this little qoute of i-don't -know-who and showed it to the woman; she, who wasn't a native English speaker, wrote it down on a little scrap paper.

as this " unlived!" was kinda echoing into my ears with my own voice, i was thinking... which part of my life have i unlived? and which part and when did i really live? i ended up feeling that i have taken it off and on! how do i feel about this now? don't know...!

then i thought: well, do I really know what it means? have we really thought how much a simple thing can get different interpretations by different people and can mean differently to any individual?
i was also thinking how these diverse takes can lead to anomalies and clashes! not to mention that the same diversity in understanding and interpretation, regardless of all its reasons and origins, can potentially lead to many different ideas, theroies, creativities, and even become the emergence of ideologies and the source of inventions!!!

aaahh, we are complex creatures... so much so that we can't figure it out ourselves!
21st of Dec. was the winter solstice ... i wanted to post something here, but didn't feel like it... (sorry i'm not a dedicated blogger; just off and on, can't be better!)

anyhow, as of 22nd of Dec. the position of the earth with respect to the sun will change and the days start to get longer and longer.
it was a very important eve in the ancient era in Iran and perhaps in other old civilizations.
they celebrated it as the "Eve of the Sun" or the "Festive of the Sun" in Iran. they kinda believed that sun is born/reborn at this time. that's why it was called "Yalda Eve", Yalda is a Persian word with Arabic roots, which means "birth/rebirth". the Iranian calendar at the time had 7 months only, and the 22nd of Dec. was the first day of the year.
it is also said that later they celebrated it for 40 days, since they believed on the 40th day the sun would shine better and brightier, and the dark days of the winter are gone...

some other historians believe that since Christians didn't know the exact birthday of the Jesus, they took this great eve as the time Jesus was born, and celebrated it as such.
years passed, "Yalda Eve" still remained as an important day in Iran, but the Iranian calendar got 5 more months added to it gradually. and interestingly enough, they now believed that on the 40th day after 22 of Dec. a savior will be reborn to bring peace and justice into earth. seems they got this back from the christians then!

many years passed until the Iranians changed the new year's eve to 21st of March, although the Yalda Eve is still celebrated as the longest evening/night of the year!


Thursday, December 07, 2006


call it the "whole-ness", call it whatever...
if you use the energy excessively, make sure, somewhere in the world, the winter will turn to hell, and the spring will finish before it just starts.
if you follow, spread, or even shrug shoulders for materialism, consumerism and rampant capitalism, make sure there are numerous huge factrories running 24/7 all around the world that spit their waste materials/chemicals/poisons out into the rivers, seas, oceans, air...

if you start a war just in order to keep your multi-million $ business of weapons production running, you will get kicked by the same guns... in a way or another.

call it "karma" , call it "the energy that circulates in the world"... call it whatever.
if you do a bad deed, its aftermath wil be back to you, sooner or later.
nothing there is to get away with.
we are all one.
call it "the truth", call it "God", call it whatever...

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction Newton’s Third Law of Motion
but we fail to notice.

we are the succession of the previous generations, and the next generations will base their world on our trails, ...
the human history started at a point, we weren't invloved in its emergence (weren't we really!?), and will end at a point, but aren't we strongly involved in the ending process?!

it's how to end it that counts!

*: omni-unison is just a coinage!
i'm supposed to be reading now for the final exam ... but ...well, i'm done with my project and i made its last phase the way i wanted to, after 3-4 days of nonstop hard work! i'm giving myself a bit of break now :)

and BTW, my confessions are continuing.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

the mirror

just woke up
from a long dream;
how late!

too late.

i do appreciate it if you read these confessions and leave your comments or personal experiences.

BTW, just saw Babel a few days ago, i liked it. a nice well-structured movie that depicts life events, poverty, ignorance, destiny, life-styles, narrow-mindedness, undeniable human needs and above all despair so well, as well as all these common feelings, emotions, problems, selfishnesses, cruelties,... that we all share regardless of our race, religion, sex, color, language,... but we still fail to notice.
and Babel, what a meaningful title !
Listen to S & M [Explicit] By Metallica
S & M [Explicit]

Lauryn Hill
Listen to MTV Unplugged No. 2.0 By Lauryn Hill
MTV Unplugged No. 2.0
paradox (not me!) daily dose of imagery
shahin foto
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Location: Montreal, Q.C., Canada

I bookmark the day "16, Nov. 2006" just here; please don't ask why!