Tuesday, February 21, 2006

to write or not to...!
i'm lazy? or just don't feel like it? or both?!
neither!... ?

a couple of days ago i was mistaken as an art student!!
i said: "wish i were one!"

news from and about iran are all adding up to this down-ness, who can believe it?!

when i heard he is looking for a straight line in his life, and she is sick of going round and round;
i thought:"yeah, it's true. we won't get away with it. the entire earth can't. it goes round itself, and rotates round the sun and the whole solar system turns round some other celestial bodies or space objects... and who knows maybe the entire cosmos is turning round itself and round some other stuff... all are to keep balance ... we, they will fall oherwise. but it's damn crazy, no, it's sick!"

i'm sick of it all, too.
but don't miss this.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


it's been longer than everyone's expectation and even longer than that of my own...
i miss it, that's true; but i'm still reluctant!
more than before, way more than when i was still back home, i'm suspended between two different worlds...
which i belong?
probably none!
and that is scary.
home is where you feel comfortable, yet alieneted from many features?!
what a damn paradox!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

what a day...!!!

i left home half asleep for the dentist office round 10:00 ;
but... some steps away i found out i left my keys inside the apt.!!
but i was almost late for my appointment, so i just rushed down there.
after 2-3 hours came back with my right cheek numb and a hurting tooth...
hehehe... i'm dramatically, but literally, locked out!!
and the janitor isn't in, either!! wooppss!
i was damn hungry, had to take my antibiotics and painkillers,
had to go to school later to do two of my assignments... and everything except my bank cards and bus pass was inside the apt.
i was completely clueless of how i can get in...
so after tramping for a li'l while round and eating in a vietnamese tiny restaurant,
and going to school lab and running into absolutely NO friend at all...
i came back home to try my chance...YAY! the janitor was back...
pppheww... now i am back inside my precious warm apt.
these cartoons, which i'm pretty sure you have seen on the web for several times,
were good excuses (or a made-up story ?!) at the right time to bring up fiery and thoughtless reactions on the side of muslems against ...who? jews?!
what a crazy world?!... using religious extreme idealogies to make war!!!
stupid everything!
Listen to S & M [Explicit] By Metallica
S & M [Explicit]

Lauryn Hill
Listen to MTV Unplugged No. 2.0 By Lauryn Hill
MTV Unplugged No. 2.0
paradox (not me!) daily dose of imagery
shahin foto
My Photo
Location: Montreal, Q.C., Canada

I bookmark the day "16, Nov. 2006" just here; please don't ask why!