Thursday, December 29, 2005

a dream come true?! no way!!!

if i could, i definitley would...i would make sci-fi films and horror movies out of these horrifying nightmares and sur-real dreams i have.

last night, after 3 hours of sleeplessness, i dreamed that i had to die, along with many more (including my sis and bros), but how?!
we all had to make computer programs and run them so that they make us die...
and my younger bro was suffering and not dying, cuz his program wasn't working fine, it had a bug or something...
my program had some problems too, but i didn't want to run it, didn't want to solve it, i was so unhappy...
my older bro came along for help, but i was whining like hell...
i was saying: i'm not ready now, i didn't think of a death like this., no...i never thought i would like to die like this, no, not this way... it's not fair!! not now... plus, this is suffering... i hate it!
i was damn mad!
and guess what happened after that !?

will let you know later...

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

xmas + newyear crap

more than a month!
mix a bit of laziness + "moodi-ness" + hatred...
that's the reason.
i did one of my exams really bad... :(
then i took back-up from my data for almost 2-3 days!
then i reformatted my pc for 4 times within 2 days!!
then i helped a lazier friend with her paper (ouch!).
i was also sick for a couple days :(
and now... i am lazier than pandas...
bad news is tomorrow i have to see a dentist (a louder ouch!).
that was just a summary of my holiday!!!
i'm having a great time, eh?!
i changed the background to this sort of grayish smoky color...
just for fun, or a li'l while...who cares!
Listen to S & M [Explicit] By Metallica
S & M [Explicit]

Lauryn Hill
Listen to MTV Unplugged No. 2.0 By Lauryn Hill
MTV Unplugged No. 2.0
paradox (not me!) daily dose of imagery
shahin foto
My Photo
Location: Montreal, Q.C., Canada

I bookmark the day "16, Nov. 2006" just here; please don't ask why!